Assistant Teacher Prianka Tiwari offers practical strategies for managing exam stress, ranging from creating a personalized timetable to developing effective study techniques.
Exams nearing my goodness!
I am not yet prepared with a single topic, holy heaven, I am so stressed!!
This is to some extent the expression of a larger number of students quite a few days before the exam. Strategies are there to cope with this stress. And what’s that, I am here to discuss it with you.
1. Set up your timetable
Before you set out to plan for anything it is a must to prepare a timetable. This enables you to pay equal importance to all aspects.
Having done that your preparation might be done in a better way.
2. Face the fear
Exams are just a process to evaluate or assess how well the concepts are clear to a child. It’s just a formal assessment and not any rocket science. So, prior to wasting time devoting your orison to Zeus, think of utilizing the same on your mains.
3. Build your own strategy
Your friend might study for 14 hours a day to excel in his annual exams, it is his style of learning that suits him. You should perceive your own shortcomings and give adequate time for overcoming those. Don’t get influenced by his /her strategies. So, focus on how to excel by staying in your own comfort zone.
4. Don’t panic
Don’t get panic-stricken before, during, or on exam durations. Talk to your parents or any trustworthy peer if you are feeling stressed or having anxiety. Take deep breaths and keep yourself hydrated all through the while.
5. Have faith in yourself.
If you could manage to cover this much distance, you will definitely manage to go farther. Have that firm belief in yourself. Having prepared well for your exams leaves no room for any worries. Believe in yourself, and you will find yourself halfway through it.
6. Struggling, then speak out.
Communication is the key to all sorts of problems. If at any point in time, you find yourself struggling with anything related to academics, don’t hesitate to tell to anyone you feel comfortable speaking up to. This is surely going to help you.
7. Eat, sleep, exercise, repeat.
Take a nap of at least 8 or 9 hours. Don’t kill your sleep at any cost as it can affect your exam. Take proper meals and never skip any meal for the sake of preparation. You can prepare well if you are energetic, and energy comes from consuming food. Besides don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated.
8. Stay away from people who bring stress to you.
You may or may not have prepared all the topics well. It’s no use to spend time discussing it with your peer group, rather spend that time preparing for the same. Don’t get influenced by the stress givers instead seek for stressbusters.
9. Be kind to yourself.
Don’t stress yourself a lot in the name of the exam. Remember, to excel in life you don’t need full marks in all subjects but talent and skills. Your skills will earn you repute in the long run, not your percentage. Don’t compare your marks with your peers. Don’t be judgemental of yourself.
10. Think positively
Never think of what you cannot do, always say to yourself “ I can do it”, “ I am capable of doing it”. Say these to boost your confidence cause no one can motivate you more or better than you.