Aadya Majumder, a third grader, tells the tale of Kunisha, a girl from the village of Katisa. Kunisha, hoping for wealth and happiness, receives unexpected gifts from God. Yet, her unchecked greed brings consequences that ultimately teach her the value of gratitude and diligence.
Once upon a time, there was a village called Katisa. A poor girl named Kunisha lived there with her father, who was a farmer. Every night before going to sleep, Kunisha prayed to God. One night, she asked God to make her rich and happy.
On her birthday, Kunisha woke up to an amazing surprise. Her room was full of colorful toys, and it looked beautiful. At first, she thought she was dreaming, but when she pinched herself, she realized it was real. When she went to the living room, it was just as beautiful. In the kitchen, she found many lovely utensils.
Kunisha then saw her mother, who told her that her father had a new job. Everything seemed to be going wonderfully. Kunisha also found new books, a water bottle, toys, a lunchbox, and a bag on her table, all gifts from God. Soon, she was admitted to a great school in the nearby town called ‘Global Wonder School.’ Kunisha was very happy with God’s blessings.
But as time went on, Kunisha started wishing for more and more from God. She became greedy. One day, she wished for a golden house. However, the next morning, she woke up back in her old mud house, and everything she had received earlier was gone.
Kunisha realized her mistake and asked God to forgive her for being greedy. She promised that she would work hard to get good things in her life.