In this imaginative story by Navika Ghosh, Class 4, Epic Public School, a young Earthling explains the Covid-19 pandemic to a curious alien named Zogo. Through their friendly conversation, readers learn about the virus, its symptoms, and how people stayed safe.
One bright afternoon, I was strolling through the park when a soft buzzing sound came from behind me. I turned around, and there it was—a friendly-looking alien, floating a few inches above the ground. It had big, curious eyes and a shiny blue suit.
“Hello, Earthling!” it greeted me. “I am Zogo from the planet Blixtar. I’ve heard about something called COVID-19 on Earth. Can you explain it to me?”
“Hi, Zogo!” I replied, still a bit surprised but happy to help. “Yes, COVID-19 was a big problem for us between 2019 and 2021. It’s a virus, which is a tiny germ that can make people sick.”
Zogo tilted its head. “Virus? Is it like a little bug?”
“Kind of,” I said with a smile. “Covid-19 is also called the coronavirus. One day, scientists in China discovered that this virus was spreading all over the world. Thousands of people got sick really fast.”
“Oh no! That sounds scary,” said Zogo. “But how does this virus make people sick?”
I took a deep breath. “When a person infected with COVID-19 sneezes or coughs, the virus goes into the air in tiny droplets. If someone nearby breathes it in, the virus goes through their nose and travels down the windpipe to their lungs. That’s where it starts causing trouble.”
“What kind of trouble?” asked Zogo, leaning in closer.
“Well, people can get a fever, a cough, and feel really tired. Some even lose their sense of taste and smell,” I explained. “There are other symptoms too—like sore throat, muscle aches, a runny nose, nausea, and sometimes diarrhoea.”
Zogo nodded, looking a bit concerned. “Are those the only problems?”
I shook my head. “No, sometimes people get really serious symptoms, like difficulty breathing, chest pain, and confusion. Some even had bluish lips or face. Those are severe signs, and they can be very dangerous.”
“So what did you Earthlings do if someone got infected?” Zogo asked, wide-eyed.
“First, people had to isolate themselves so they didn’t spread the virus to others,” I said. “Then they rested, drank lots of water, and followed the doctor’s advice.”
“Is the virus gone now?” Zogo asked, looking hopeful.
“It’s mostly under control, thanks to vaccines and everyone being careful. But it taught us all how important it is to take care of our health and each other,” I said.
Zogo looked thoughtful. “Thank you for explaining, Earthling. We Blixtarians will be sure to avoid spreading any bugs if we visit other planets. Stay safe and healthy!”
“Thank you, Zogo,” I said, waving as it floated away. “You too!”
And with that, Zogo buzzed off into the sky, leaving me smiling and a little proud to have helped an alien understand Earth’s biggest challenge.