Alia Naznin, a second-grade student, recounts the heartwarming tale of Wincy Incy, a once-lonely dog who discovers her forever home, filling a little girl’s life with boundless joy.
It was a dream come true for Wincy Incy that day. She had this dream since the time she was a puppy, when she used to see rich dogs roam with their human friends. But no one was there for Wincy. She was left all alone in the cold winters and the hot summers. But now it would be different; she too would stay in a house, and she would have a human friend who would feed her, bathe her, and take good care of her, she thought to herself as she walked around the house where she saw a little girl dancing. The moment she saw the girl, she knew that she would be adopted.
She walked to the door and said, “Woof, woof.”
Hearing this, the little girl turned around and saw Wincy.
“Oh! Such a sweet dog, I must bring her in,” she thought to herself, but then again she wondered if her parents would allow the dog to stay. Nonetheless, she said, “Come come, my sweetie, how soft you are and how cute.”
Wincy Incy started wagging her tail as fast as a tornado.
In the evening, when her parents returned, they saw the dog. They wanted to throw the dog out, but then what they saw made them change their minds.
For the last six months, the smile has been missing from the little girl’s face since her parrot died. Her parents were worried and tried to cheer her up, but all their efforts failed. But that day, after meeting Wincy Incy, they saw the little girl smiling again. And that is how Wincy Incy’s dream came true.
Alia Naznin, Class -2