Eyamin Reja, a fifth-grader, narrates the inspiring tale of Rio, a courageous twelve-year-old boy from Sao Jeronimo, Brazil. Rio’s quick thinking and bravery prevented a train disaster near the Taquari River.
Rio a twelve-year-old boy, lived with his parents in Sao Jeronimo, near the Taquari River in Brazil. Since childhood, he was eager for the day the under-construction train track would be completed so that he could wave at the passing train.
Finally, the day arrived when the first train was scheduled to run through the tracks. Whoever, there was an unforeseen flood that damaged the bridge through which the train was scheduled to pass.
Rio was quite excited so he rushed near the bridge to wave to the passengers. But then he saw the situation of the bridge and realized that if the train crosses the tracks an accident is inevitable.
Rio was determined to stop the train. Finding no other option he tore his red shirt to make a flag. He stood on the track waving his red flag. As the train was approaching Rio ignored the risk to his life and continued to wave his flag.
The driver of the train saw Rio and stopped the train. Thus with Rio’s bravery the accident was averted and the train was taken back. Everybody praised Rio for his bravery as he saved hundreds of lives.