Anushree Roy, a fourth-grade student, shares the tale of a foolish fox who, aspiring to become king, resorts to deception among other animals, only to ultimately reveal his true nature. It’s a compelling narrative that explores themes of deceit, pride, and the undeniable truth.
Once upon a time, there was a foolish fox. One day the fox went hunting and saw three hens. The fox thought to himself ‘Today my luck is good.”
The next morning the fox went to the same place for hunting. He was walking softly and when he was going to pounce, a few dogs attacked him. He ran, ran, and ran then he mistakenly fell into the blue water. He asked all the animals to gather.
All the animals gathered in the place where the fox asked them to. The fox addressed the animals “You have no king so god has told me to come here and be the king.”
Days passed this way and the fox was enjoying a peaceful time. One evening as all the animals gathered for a meeting, a skulk of foxes who were passing by started to howl. Our King Fox couldn’t control himself and started to howl as well reveling that he was a fox. The animals realizing this, chased the fox away.